Tapion Hospital i Castries

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Tapion Road, Castries, LC Santa Lucía
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-459-2000
Hjemmeside: www.tapion-hospital.com
Latitude: 14.0127665, Longitude: -61.0062083
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Kommentar 5

  • sa405



    First thing Thay said was credit card. Sat machine held together with duck tape Trolley in emergency room broken. Feel fleeced and lucky to get out of their. If tourist you will be fleeced only after money Went all day with out being given a glass of water. Good if you have cash avoid if you have not. Will ask for credit card not really interested in travel insurance . Cash or card before Thay will do any thing.

  • Sherwin William

    Sherwin William


    This hospital is too expensive for average citizens to afford, but the physicians over there are excellent they know what they're doing.

  • Joan R

    Joan R


    My husband was taken into this hospital while we were on vacation last year. He lost all ability to walk. Overnight! You can imagine how terrified we were. The young doctor in ER (Dr Phillips) diagnosed him in about 90 minutes with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. This is a life-threatening syndrome that rendered him paralyzed within about 24 hours. NO ONE gets a GBS diagnosis so quickly. The wife of Toronto's mayor had it and it took 6 months for her to get diagnosed. While waiting for the life flight home, he was attended by the very best team possible - Dr St Rose, Dr Iron-Davis and Dr Kannan. These people saved my husband's life during time we were there awaiting the flight home (5 days!) Don't mistake a lack of resources with a lack of skill among the staff. If they can't do what needs to be done, they will get you to Victoria, or Martinique or Barbados etc. Kind, smart, strong people. We were blessed!

  • Viandez Diego

    Viandez Diego


    None of the hospitals on this island are worth going to. Pay to go to one of the more developed islands because the hospitals here will take you for all you have even if you're near death. You'll die from a common cold at Tapion and Victoria hospitals in Castries.

  • krishna vamsi

    krishna vamsi


    Very good. Helpful staff. Nice treatment

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