Victoria Hospital i Castries

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Santa Lucía
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-452-2421
Latitude: 14.0101076, Longitude: -60.9986286
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Kommentar 5

  • Mary Knoll

    Mary Knoll


    I am in awe of this hospital. The people who work there do their jobs well. Especially Dr. Nathaniel!!!!

  • John Nguyen

    John Nguyen


    Historic hospital

  • Naty Tashana

    Naty Tashana


    Terrible!!! I came 11 am and wait till 5 pm ,lot of ppl came after me and finish before me ,I ask few times nurse why am I waiting so long only for d prescription and she was very rude, I'm a turist ,they took my money but never called me in, worst experience ever , hospital is dirty and old ,wth rude nurses

  • Sherwin William

    Sherwin William


    I don't know where to even begin with this hospital. God have mercy on us all. This is why I want to become a doctor or nurse to improve the health care system of st.Lucia especially in the ER. The government keeps giving scholarships to the the same rich money hungry doctors who already have a MD degree. These doctors come back and do nothing for free for the poor people of the country but charge them more money for their services. They all will pay for their evil! Karma is real.

  • jem paul

    jem paul


    As any health care institution the staffing is poor the resources are low but I don't blame the workers they try their best even when the number of patients outnumber the resources available.after 5hrs of waitin to see a doc. I was left to attend to attend to a guy who was chopped after 1hr another guy came in shot. After witnessing all of that I was surprised that the staff still had the energy to attend to me with care. The staff of vh there is a special place in heaven for yall. However I hope the appropriate persons try to upgrade yall environment.

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