Hackshaw Boat Charters i Castries

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Seraphine Road, Castries, LC Sankt Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-453-0553
Hjemmeside: www.hackshaws.com
Latitude: 14.018522, Longitude: -60.996391
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Kommentar 5

  • Lawrence Bridger

    Lawrence Bridger


    Good morning out on the boat for whale and dolphin spotting. They will tell you they have an 85% success rate for making an encounter. We were very lucky and spotted 6 sperm wales. One came right up to the boat! Would be very disappointing if nothing seen though.

  • A L

    A L


    We went on the whale and dolphin trip today. It was a fantastic 3 hours, we saw many dolphins and whales, along with other sights such as flying fish. The staff were great and the complimentary drinks and snacks were an excellent bonus. We were initially quoted at $80US, but paid $75, if you're better negotiators than us, it's clear they sometimes take $60-$65. They accept $EC at an exchange rate of 2.6EC to 1US. Definitely recommended!

  • Kerbina K.

    Kerbina K.


    This is truly the best place for dolphin and whale watching! I have been on this trip a few times and have never been disappointed. The captain and crew are always friendly, helpful, fun and informative. It is truly quit breathtaking to witness the dolphins & pilot whales in their natural habitat. Fun for all ages... I would definitely recommend this to any and everyone. So don't hesitate and give them a call today. 10 stars in my book!!!!

  • Michel Khalifeh

    Michel Khalifeh


    I went on a whale and dolphin safari last week with my family and it was the best part of our vacation. we saw pods of dolphins and the weather was just perfect. The captain and crew are well trained and lots of fun!! we would recommend this tour to anyone traveling to Saint Lucia especially with kids.

  • Niels Freckmann

    Niels Freckmann


    Sehr schön und verkehrsgüntig gelegen.

Desværre, der er ingen steder i Rejsebureau Saint Lucia

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