Harbour Vista Inn i Castries

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Cooper Rd, Castries, Saint Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-727-6902
Latitude: 14.0081759, Longitude: -60.9968109
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Kommentar 5

  • Serge Luboz

    Serge Luboz


    Si le gardien avait pensé à ouvrir l'eau 💦.... Nous aurions pu nous doucher.... Le taxi commandé au terminal ferries est allé nous chercher à l'aéroport.... Très moyen tout ça. Seul point positif : le p'tit dèj.

  • Sandy Rosales Julia

    Sandy Rosales Julia


    Exelente vista

  • Cherie Thomas

    Cherie Thomas


    My husband & i visited beautiful st lucia from the island of dominica, this past weekend 12/8/17 to the 12/11/17. We Had a lovely 4 day vacation at harbour vista inn. Close to ferry, shopping, market, Reasonably priced & excellent service & view of the harbour. Thank you for making our stay comfortable & relaxing. Cherie & Roye.

  • steve edwards

    steve edwards


    Stayed for two days. Beautiful view from terrace and lots of sun from this vantage point. Lovely green lush garden behind building. Manager, What a gent! well worth a stay.

  • kiwi tayro

    kiwi tayro


    I was here in December of 2014 and although we only stayed a few days, it was absolutely fantastic. M. Cletus James was a fabulous host and above & beyond for all his guests. You might want earplugs for the neighborhood chickens who think dawn is at 3am. :)

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