Hewanorra International Airport i Vieux Fort

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Hewanorra International Airport, Saint Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-457-6100
Hjemmeside: www.stlucia-airport.com
Latitude: 13.733375, Longitude: -60.950289
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Kommentar 5

  • Eternal River

    Eternal River


    cute and small airport 😍 colourful 😊 very lively where all types of people could be seen in the same place. The airport officials were so kind and helpful. They don't accept torn currency notes even if you have exchanged it in the airport's currency exchange booth... So please be careful in that part... Food court is in the first floor and is not expensive, petty stores to grab chocolates... I was enjoying my time sitting in the food court watching the other flights land and take off i almost forgot i had a flight to board next... It was so beautiful to sit over there and watch whats going on :D on the whole the airport is also cute as how the country is... safe trip guys 👍

  • Janey Phelan

    Janey Phelan


    Departing is a nightmare. So unorganized and lines are extremely long with one person doing each job. They plan for all flights to leave at the same time causing there to be no seats and overcrowding. Currently sitting on the ground with no air condition.

  • Ginger Sweet

    Ginger Sweet


    Everything's great. No problems getting what you need and the staff there are very nice and helpful.

  • Chlri



    Airport staff were very friendly and accommodating. It is a small airport, but that is expected on a small island. Prices in one of the souvenir shops were quite a lot higher than anywhere else on the island - I suppose that can be seen as normal seeing as it's a last chance to buy these things (in my case: Tamarind juice that I hadn't found in the supermarkets -- 30EC Vs 10EC). Other than that, the airport carries out all functions that it is meant to in an acceptable manner.

  • Prince Francis T J 8606110812

    Prince Francis T J 8606110812


    The black volcanic mountains provide a magnificent backdrop for any proposal. If your beloved one is inactive and not really and outdoor type person then the Pitons can be viewed from different hotels and areas around the island. If your partner is outdoorsy then a proposal after a hike on the Piton spires couldn’t be more romantic.

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