Harmony Suites i Gros Islet

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Rodney Bay Gros Islet, St. Lucia , Rodney Bay Village none, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-452-8756
Hjemmeside: www.harmonysuites.com
Latitude: 14.0734245, Longitude: -60.9539626
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Kommentar 5

  • Zephaniah James

    Zephaniah James


    Very relaxing great for stay cation and food is very delicious at the cockpit restaurant also part of the hotel.

  • cynthia neate

    cynthia neate


    Great value, top location. Very good food. Nice staff.

  • Stephanie Navarro

    Stephanie Navarro


    Very nice hotel, cozy and intimate. Suites are huge and fully equipped, Netflix tv, kitchen with fridge, cooking top, kettle microwave and coffee maker. Huge patio, and nice garden area with lots of birds. Breakfast is ok but could be improved. Yoga studio, and 2 restaurants available. Perfect option for budget travellers who look intimacy.

  • Matt A.

    Matt A.


    Check in price was a bit off from the site I used compared to what the hotel quoted me. Rooms are large and spacious, very clean. Right off of the bay and close to a lot of local establishments.

  • Charmine Charles

    Charmine Charles


    It's a great place to visit, nice view of the bay, friendly people.i did enjoy my stay at Harmony suites.

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