Dilly's Supermarket i Bisee

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Bisee, Santa Lucía
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-452-2132
Latitude: 14.0112166, Longitude: -60.9880485
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Kommentar 5

  • Sherwin William

    Sherwin William


    Small supermarket with a whole sale department upstairs. I like it, the customer service is not so great tho.

  • Sanchez



    I won't say one stop shop for all your needs not gonna lie. But it's a great little supermarket. Going up the stairs in their wholesale department it's good for those who want to shop in "bulk" and not pay an arm and a leg.

  • Takisha Mauricette

    Takisha Mauricette


    Not a place you want to go to shop but for emergencies only....

  • Kera Samson

    Kera Samson


    because the owner is to dirty which is the whoman every body is talking about her even the workers too

  • Shirlyn Dupigny

    Shirlyn Dupigny


    Family own supermarket with a wholesale component. If you are looking to avoid the long lines it's a good choice.

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