BodyHoliday Saint Lucia i Castries City

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Cariblue Beach, Castries City, LC Saint Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-457-7800
Latitude: 14.103063, Longitude: -60.947319
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Kommentar 5

  • Kay-tee



    Great facilities Great food Great views Great staff Great ambiance

  • Catherine Morrice

    Catherine Morrice


    Wonderful place. The staff are very friendly and helpful and there are so many things to do I'll have to keep going back to do everything

  • Max Gillmor

    Max Gillmor


    Amazingly relaxed atmosphere, I have not had the opportunity to spend a night there, so I am not able to review the rooms, but the food is absolutely amazing!!! Compliments on the uniquely themed experience!

  • John Nguyen

    John Nguyen


    Great all inclusive resorts with great secluded beach, water sports, hiking trail, yoga, aerobic exercise. Big spas with different treatments. Staffs are friendly and always available. Excellent food and atmosphere.

  • Joanna Sable

    Joanna Sable


    Body Holiday is a wonderful place that has captured my heart. The people of St Lucia are some of the finest I have ever met, incredibly kind and at this resort everyone is truly happy. Body Holiday is exactly that. Come here to rest, exercise and get incredible massages. You will be ready to tackle the world after this. All the rooms are ocean facing so fall asleep to the waves. The restaurants and bars are also on the water so it has such a great vibe. The place is busy all day so do not come here for nightlife. I did love that it is also a wonderful place for single travellers which is fun because there is a lot of interaction and many people love to chat. The food is great. Lots of fresh veggies and fruit. They even have a juice and smoothie bar. Ask for Jacqueline for massages. I can’t wait to go back.

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