Bay Gardens Hotel i Gros-Islet

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Rodney Bay Village, Gros-Islet, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 877-620-3200
Latitude: 14.068682, Longitude: -60.952678
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Kommentar 5

  • Gissi Hall

    Gissi Hall


    Food excellent. Staff very professional and accomodating. Beds super comfortable. Rooms in desperate need of renovation. Not terrible..just very outdated.

  • Khrystanne George

    Khrystanne George


    This is a fantastic hotel in St Lucia- warm and welcoming staff! Great breakfast buffet which changes over day so you are never bored with the choices available. The hotel is located near the main road where you can get maxi taxi transport for on 2:50 EC. The rooms are wide and luscious with three pools inclusive of a Jacuzzi. Great hotel for a weekend get away or a honeymoon! I will definitely recommend and return when I Can!

  • Rory Simpson

    Rory Simpson


    Had a quick stop here for visa reasons. The staff were nice. My room was basic. The breakfast was fine. I can't comment much more as I was there much

  • Ronnie Felmin

    Ronnie Felmin


    Bay Gardens service is excellent the food is great the staff very friendly and helpful. Rooms are clean and well taken cared off, had the best time.

  • Kathleen H

    Kathleen H


    Fantastic place to stay. Staff are very welcoming and nothing is too much bother. Manager was absolutely brilliant and so approachable and friendly.

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