Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort i Gros Islet

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Labrelotte Bay Labrelotte Bay Castries, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-456-9000
Latitude: 14.058927, Longitude: -60.974218
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Kommentar 5

  • Kevin Stone

    Kevin Stone


    A wonderful spot for honeymoons to family vacations. Some see the steep topography as a unconvinced. I see it as character and a place for spectacular vistas. Great beach and restaurants.

  • April C

    April C


    Absolutely loved the Windjammer! Most trips I take I need a vacation from the vacation, but not here. I was relaxed and enjoyed every minute of my week at Windjammer. Esie, at the front desk, was amazing! She should be the face of the resort, she was kind, courteous, and helped us with any questions we had! AND with a smile on her face. The food was delicious, the drinks always flowing, and the location is to die for. Windjammer is beautiful! The pictures do not do it justice. Love love love! Highly recommend to those wondering where to go in St Lucia.

  • Kerrianne Mustard

    Kerrianne Mustard


    Stunning views, wonderful friendly staff and just the perfect oasis from the hustle and bustle. We utilized the private chef for our 4 BR Villa and I highly recommend. Chef Warren and Damian were rock stars. John, our daily shuttle driver (some of the villas are high up so you do need a shuttle to and from the beach), was always happy and kind to our families!

  • Annisha Bell

    Annisha Bell


    We enjoyed a wonderful day pass at this resort. The beachfront and facilities were top notch. There are multiple bars, pools, and games like table tennis and volleyball located right on the beach. Service was friendly and welcoming. Drink prices were steep, but hey it's a resort.

  • Alex B

    Alex B


    Great Hotel! We had a wonderful time and a great room. We were there at the and of season, therefore it was very quiet. The view from our room was nice. The hotel area is huge and on a hillside so be prepared for a hike or take a shuttle ;) We loved the beach and the pools. The hotel restaurant is a bit pricey but good.

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