East Winds i Gros Islet

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La Brelotte Bay, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-452-8212
Hjemmeside: www.eastwinds.com
Latitude: 14.054108, Longitude: -60.973622
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Kommentar 5

  • Desslar St.Rose

    Desslar St.Rose


    One of the best hotels you can visit where the staff make u feel welcome, simple but with this elegant atmosphere and food.

  • Matt Eyre

    Matt Eyre


    This place is absolutely beautiful and we never want to leave. Judith, Andy and all of the staff do an amazing job to make your stay as relaxing and luxurious as possible. Nothing is too much trouble and everything you could possibly imagine is provided within the package except for excursions and spa treatments, and even one of those is complimentary. The cottages are beautiful and the gardens and wildlife are stunning. Remember to take your camera every time you leave your accommodation! It's easy to see why people come back here time and time again. We'll definitely be looking at coming back in the future.

  • Junias Randolph

    Junias Randolph


    It's small, very intimate and the staff are amazing!!!!

  • L H

    L H


    What a wonderful spot to relax away from all the noise and rat race. Very beautiful spot with a tremendous staff that will do what it takes to make your stay perfect. Food, lodging, beach, and facilities also make the stay comfortable.

  • Helen Edwards

    Helen Edwards


    On my most recent visit to East Winds in December I was delighted to see the fabulous upgrading that has been taking place - the new pool and loungers, the new, cool bar and lovely furnishings with splashes of vibrant colour all enhance what has always been an exquisite boutique hotel ... and simply the best on St Lucia.

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