Ultra Lounge i Gros Islet

Åben kort
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Gros Islet, Saint Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-458-5872
Hjemmeside: ultraloungeslu.com
Latitude: 14.0713516, Longitude: -60.9558371
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Kommentar 5

  • Rohn Jn.Charles

    Rohn Jn.Charles


    Upscale. Friendly staff. Good drinks selection

  • lone ranger

    lone ranger


    Classy!!! Excellent customer service!!! Recommend upgrading to the level of Keebees!!! Food is very good!!

  • Roland Beckles-Lamazon

    Roland Beckles-Lamazon


    Love cocktails but not a fan of pre-mixes. taste is usually off. however i had good costumer services there.

  • Jevon Innocent

    Jevon Innocent


    Amazing place. Great ambience and ppl.

  • Carter Hyacinth

    Carter Hyacinth


    Located along the Rodney Bay strip, the centre of night life activity. Visited there to meet up with a business partner. Had some drinks and also sampled their food. I enjoyed every bit of it. Their drink pricing structure is just unique, the more you drink, the less you pay. I will be back very soon. The staff were also so helpful, friendly and jovial.

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