Sixt i Castries

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Aéroport George F.L. Charles, Castries, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +33 1 44 38 55 55
Latitude: 14.0203707, Longitude: -60.9946319
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Kommentar 4

  • Kenneth Lo

    Kenneth Lo


    We rented a compact car from the cruise ship terminal located at Pointe Seraphine. I had booked the car in advance from the Sixt website and I had indicated the pick up from the Pointe Seraphine location. (Sixt doesn't have a physical store there, they send a rep from their nearby airport location over) The website indicated to head to the taxi stand which is in front of the Diamonds International, just beyond the gated area. We waited for 15 minutes but didn't see any Sixt rep, we were about to board a taxi to go to the Sixt airport location. It is a good thing the Sixt rep showed up in time. He brought our vehicle to us to the cruise ship terminal's taxi stand parking lot. The car is a brand new Chevy Trax with the steering wheel on the right side (same as UK and Japan). And we just needed to return the vehicle to the cruise ship terminal. This was extremely convenient! We had to obtain an international driving permit (IDP) from our home country before the trip. The IDP saved us about $US20 on getting a temporary St. Lucia driving permit. If your cruise ship is docking at Pointe Seraphine, I would highly recommend Sixt! Very clean and new car. Convenient pick up and drop off. The only draw back was the rental cost which was close to US$95 for a compact car with collision insurance.

  • S Hippolyte

    S Hippolyte


  • José Luis Lopez González

    José Luis Lopez González


    Tranquilo, acogedor. Bueno trato y rapidez en el servicio

  • krishna vamsi

    krishna vamsi



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