Avis i Castries

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Santa Lucía
Kontakter telefon: +1-758
Hjemmeside: avisstlucia.com
Latitude: 14.0200278, Longitude: -60.9930437
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Kommentar 2

  • Geoff Salt

    Geoff Salt


    Having shelved out US$700 we were offered a ten year old car with 74,000 miles on the clock. The coating on the steering wheel was worn away. The leather on the passenger seat was torn and there were various scrapes on the exterior paintwork. The car got us where we wanted to go but it wasn't the standard we have come to expect from Avis.We took photographs and wrote to complain to Avis USA. They just passed the buck and told us to contact the St. Lucia office. Letter duly sent two months ago and to date absolutely no response. A disgraceful way to run a business and unacceptable customer service. Certainly won't hire a car again when visiting the island. It was a ripp-off.

  • Jordan Leach

    Jordan Leach


    Rented a car 4 months in advance for our honeymoon, got there and they told us they rented our car to someone else simply because they got there first and had none left. Didn't do anything to help, didn't compensate for the taxi I had to pay for either. Lady at the Avis desk says it happens to them all the time. Don't ever rent here, there are much more reliable companies in St. Lucia

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