Megaplex 8 i Choc

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Choc, Santa Lucía
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-450-2727
Latitude: 14.0325059, Longitude: -60.9681002
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Kommentar 5

  • Darrel Lansiquot

    Darrel Lansiquot


    Great cinema experience,lots of snack selections and very comfortable seats to enjoy your movie.

  • Laura Jordan

    Laura Jordan


    The cinema is nice. However, I wish there was a wider variety in the food available. Everytime I visit they are out of nachos :( all in all it is a nice place to watch a movie with friends and family.

  • Stephie Smith

    Stephie Smith


    AC isn't as cool as it was before but still a decent lime

  • Edelma Joseph

    Edelma Joseph


    I love the settings. I am a movie lover. It is not far from the main road.

  • Marlon Christopher

    Marlon Christopher


    Facility has ample parking I would strongly recommend you go during peak movie viewing hours though, that's the only time you're guaranteed to get any snacks and popcorn. Out of peak hours the theatres are empty and you'd be lucky to get M&Ms.

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