Mango Beach Inn i Castries

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Marigot Bay Castries St. Lucia, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-458-3188
Latitude: 13.9675898, Longitude: -61.024375
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Kommentar 5

  • jade bogue

    jade bogue


    We loved every second of our stay at Mango Beach. Judith and John and their staff made us feel incredibly welcome from the second we arrived. As did their 3 wonderful dogs, Nema, Bella and Honey. The building itself is incredibly pretty and has the best location of any building in Marigot Bay, isolated from the noise of the busier spots, but with easy access via either the boadwalk to the beach or the 1 minute free ferry to the other side where the vast majority of restaurants and bars are. Hassey's Bar is just below, which serves good pizza and great BBQ food every evening, and is very inexpensive, compared to some of the other restaurants in Marigot. Hassey, himself, is a very charming and attentive host, who treats every customer like a friend. We only arrived back in the UK last night, but we already can't wait to go back and spend more time here.

  • Clive Eatwell

    Clive Eatwell


    A really friendly family run lnn offering good accommodation in a very beautiful spot. Lovely simple breakfasts from a delightful room with one of the best views of Marigot Bay. Set in a lovely garden just up the hill side from the Rainforest Hideaway restaurant which they also run. Small pool and access to the local beach by a two minute walk via a boardwalk through the trees and mangroves alongside the bay. The owners have cats and dogs. Access is by the free ferry from across the bay.

  • Lindsey Mcentire

    Lindsey Mcentire


    Just returned to the States after our stay at the Mango Beach Inn. Judy and John were so accommodating. We really enjoyed talking to them about spots to go on the island, and loved hearing their stories. The Inn is tucked away on a hill, and feels very secluded. I highly recommend this location for anyone looking to stay in Marigot Bay!

  • Lincoln Kaffenberger

    Lincoln Kaffenberger


    My wife and I loved the Mango Beach Inn! Judith and John were amazing hosts. One of the nice touches they did every morning was have a print off with a little tid bit about the bay as well as the weather for the day in St. Lucia, and then compare that with the weather from where we were from. As we visited from DC in February, this made us appreciate the warm weather of the islands even more! Also, the view of the bay from the dining room bay windows is astounding.

  • Max Jeanpierre

    Max Jeanpierre


    Calm and beautiful

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