Marigot Bay Villas i Marigot

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Marigot Bay, St. Lucia, Marigot, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 941-778-5890
Latitude: 13.967382, Longitude: -61.026444
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Kommentar 5

  • Louis Genin

    Louis Genin


    La plage et les villas sont juste magnifique. Et l'arrivée à l'hôtel par bateau est assez exotique.

  • Lucretia Loctor

    Lucretia Loctor


  • Dana



    We stayed at Marigot Bay Villas several years ago. Although the small house we rented is no longer available, I wanted to say what a fabulous place this is and how terrific Elaine is as a host. The views of the bay are so gorgeous and it's just such a lovely and relaxing place. Smiley took us on a tour of the island and he was great.

  • Andy Cornick

    Andy Cornick


    We stayed at Poinsettia House in October and were completely blown away. Elaine has created a slice of Heaven in Marigot Bay, with a garden that attracts birds of all kinds, and a house that invites complete relaxation. Her team on the ground was trustworthy, affable, and talented. And while he is not affiliated with Elaine (I don't think) seek out Alex of Brothers in Arms Water Taxi for all your off-land travel needs. Great guy.

  • Ray Dupuis

    Ray Dupuis


    We have stayed with Marigot Bay Villas, the experience and hospitality was absolutely amazing! I would recommend a stay here for anyone. Ask for Elaine she is very sweet.

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