The Spa at Windjammer Landing i Gros Islet

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Gros Islet, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-456-9000
Latitude: 14.059502, Longitude: -60.9755624
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Kommentar 5

  • Angie Ang

    Angie Ang


    My husband and I had a couples massage for our honeymoon here. We enjoyed it thoroughly! The only thing was that small tub they had for us to get into together... we could barely move, it was hilarious! They gave us the royal treatment and also included the champagne and chocolates... we rested in the waiting lounge before we got started, and it was very intimate, candles lit, and a wonderful wind down to the day. They even have a juice bar inside... which I didn't partake in, but they had a great variety of flavor combinations. The locker room was well kept and the towel area was fully stocked. We got it for free when we stayed here... just by listening to the sales pitch presentation, for owning as a timeshare participant. We declined, and they still gave us the spa day as our gift for listening. I have nothing bad to say about the spa here! Pictures included...

  • MT George

    MT George


  • Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson


    Stunning location. Excellent service

  • Marcia Francis

    Marcia Francis


    Awesome deep tissue.

  • Nelson Pimenta

    Nelson Pimenta


    Friendly staff and superb classic massage. However the steam room was freezing and only turned on upon arrival.

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