St. James’s Club Morgan Bay Resort - All Inclusive i Gros Islet

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Castries - Gros Islet Hwy, Gros Islet, LC Saint Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 4573700
Latitude: 14.0407074, Longitude: -60.9705303
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Kommentar 5

  • Steven B

    Steven B


    Great stay. It was a blast. The staff was very friendly and we had a wonderful time. Definitely take the Soufrie Express with Joy tours, he can be found by the water sports building on the beach. By far the best excursion on the island. Also pay the extra money for the la Jardin restaurant at least once, it was phenomenal food. The rest of the restaurants were pretty good, and the buffet was solid.

  • Christianne Griffin

    Christianne Griffin


    Everything was wonderful. People were nice, accommodations we're gorgeous. Food was pretty good too. Would definitely return.

  • Thomas Hunt

    Thomas Hunt


    Entertainment nightly, beach and good the best we've had at any all-inclusive! Recommend to all!

  • L Felix

    L Felix


    The staff was so pleasant. The entertainment was amazing and the food was great 😊

  • Noah Colin

    Noah Colin


    Offers excellent options for lounging and relaxing, and has beautiful views from the hilltop pool area. Great dining options, with restaurants and cafes that let you sit down and eat if your dinner reservations are late that night. The resort excursions are a great way to enjoy more of the island and learn a little about the culture and history of St. Lucia. I recommend the Gros Piton Hike for those wishing to exercise, and the snorkeling excursion for touring.

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