Sandals Halcyon Beach Luxury Resort i Castries

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Castries-Gros Islet Hwy, Castries, Saint Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-453-0222
Latitude: 14.030824, Longitude: -60.977187
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Kommentar 5

  • Shondra Jerabek

    Shondra Jerabek


    A nice beach with good food options. The staff was not as kind as other Sandals resorts. The traffic noise at the "quiet" pool really takes away from the resort relaxation. The room we were given to use for the day was musty and dark. Very little sunlight. I am glad we only went on a day trip, I would have been extremely disappointed if the entire week was at this resort.

  • Quentin Landman

    Quentin Landman


    Just fantastic!! Friendly staff, great atmosphere, foods and treats just amazing. I want to live here! Just Wow! Thank you for an epic getaway- soul restoring warm Pacific Ocean water ! Enjoyed my sailing and diving. Will be a frequent visitor!

  • Paul Stabnick

    Paul Stabnick


    An all around great place. Friendly staff that all speak English. Was quaint and warm feeling. Two pools with swim up bars; that's where we spent a majority of our time. Hot tubs, chess, tennis, croquet, scuba, snorkeling, kayak, Hobie Cat, tubing all included. Many bars, restaurant food was excellent, late night burgers, nachos, jerk chicken wings. We went to the other 2 Sandles resorts, as they give you access to all 3 clubs. The others we much larger & impersonal to us. They had bars, good food, staff that were nice...but a different vibe. They didn't have the list vegetation, flowers, trees and all around peaceful feeling Halcyon had. The other clubs were faster paced; more suited to the 20 and early 30 year olds.

  • Jennifer Jones

    Jennifer Jones


    We went here on our honeymoon, it was nice and relaxing, the service was amazing! Everyone had a smile and not a bad thing to say. We had the butler service and our butlers we're the bomb! Alice and Ives We would definitely go back there. If you like a more of a party place check out the other Sandals on the island.

  • Rachael A

    Rachael A


    My husband and I spent a blissful week and a half at Sandals Halcyon and it was absolutely wonderful. The resort is the smaller of the three Sandals resorts on the island and I loved that about it. It felt very personal and was very relaxing for us on our honeymoon. It doesn't have as many options for food as the larger resorts but there is a free shuttle that takes you to each of the larger resorts which takes about 15 minutes in either direction, this one is right in the middle. We also had a room with butler service and Claudia spoiled us with surprises daily. Also, Trish one of the activity coordinators was also so much fun! We had an amazing time and I would love to be back there right now!

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