Pink Plantation House i Castries

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Chef Harry Drive The More Castries, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-452-5422
Latitude: 13.9981371, Longitude: -60.9931755
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Kommentar 5

  • Daniele Severiano

    Daniele Severiano


    Great food! You can also buy art and enjoy the view. I would go back any time!!

  • Daniel P

    Daniel P


    Amazing, not advertised. Up in the mountains very peaceful and the food is amazing.

  • Troy Warren

    Troy Warren


    Absolutely the perfect way to spend a Friday night... The ambiance, service and food second to none. Make a reservation and enjoy a beautiful evening! The pottery too is so's so hard to make a choice...but we did. Can't wait to unwrap it when we get home!

  • John Waldron

    John Waldron


    This is fine dining. Local flavours good service. Beautiful setting. Prices on the high side but in accordance with the quality of the food and service. Worth the climb up from Castries.

  • Michelle Selvidio

    Michelle Selvidio


    Hard to find, but worth it. Google maps shows incomplete directions. Once you get to where it says, keep driving and stay right at intersections. After a couple minutes, there is a sign on the right for the long driveway to the restaurant. The view is beautiful, the food delicious, and the staff very friendly. The fried bread, "bakes", are so so good, and I wish I could go back just for the salad.

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