Please be aware, at this store there are no free bags to put your goods in, u either find a box or push your produce to your car in a trolly and empty it.
Love that the items are so affordable even when sold in bulk. Massy mega has everything your home could need
Good variety but no one to assist
Wholesale prices are reasonable. And no plastic bags. Bring your own bags or put them on board your vehicle.
Excelente para compras variadas al por mayor
Roland Beckles-Lamazon
::Please be aware, at this store there are no free bags to put your goods in, u either find a box or push your produce to your car in a trolly and empty it.
Keysha Pierre
::Love that the items are so affordable even when sold in bulk. Massy mega has everything your home could need
Velon Baptiste
::Good variety but no one to assist
Magdelene Daniel
::Wholesale prices are reasonable. And no plastic bags. Bring your own bags or put them on board your vehicle.
José Luis Lopez González
::Excelente para compras variadas al por mayor