JJ's Paradise i Castries

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St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-451-4761
Hjemmeside: www.jjsparadise.com
Latitude: 13.9651951, Longitude: -61.0214084
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Kommentar 5

  • Nickerson Williams

    Nickerson Williams


    A place you can relax and enjoy the weekend

  • Cristina Martinez

    Cristina Martinez


    No Problem was the best tour guide we could have asked for and Lenny made sure we got all the pictures we needed. 10/10 would reccomend!!

  • JIm Rolt

    JIm Rolt


    Lovely place hidden away in the mangroves, well worth hunting down! Good food and very reasonable prices

  • Robert Alcide

    Robert Alcide


    Great and unique experience. Loved it and would highly recommend.

  • Michael M

    Michael M


    If you want a very casual, cool, reasonable place with the true local island vibe, this is the place. Stay in a cottage up on stilts. Very cool and chill. Clean. Others spots to see nearby. Watch out for the kick in the tasty rum punch! This is not the place if you are looking for fancy spas, robes and pampering. Total opposite.

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