Drive-A-Matic Car Rentals i Gros Islet

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Lawjanz Cresent, Rodney Bay Commercial Boulevard, Gros Islet, Santa Lucía
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-452-0544
Latitude: 14.0740991, Longitude: -60.9462834
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Kommentar 5

  • maurice lee

    maurice lee


    Over the last 10 years plus we have used the services of Drive-A-Matic in St.Lucia. Every time we have been treated as long lost friends and received excellent service which has gone above and beyond what we would have expected!

  • Flint Smith

    Flint Smith


    My wife and I rented a car for a week last summer. The car was just a car, but the people were very friendly and super accommodating. We're used to returning airport cars to the airport to avoid big pick-up fees but the woman at the checkout suggested that they'd come get it at no cost. From Anse Chastenet! That's FAR and back on a road built by the original French soldiers and only partly maintained. There was rain and we drove to waterfalls, so there was mud, but no cleaning fee. I recommend them highly.

  • Dave Chez Vitalis

    Dave Chez Vitalis


    I have been dealing with Drive-A-Matic for over 18 yrs now, first as a sales rep directing all my clients to them and now as a customer myself. The staff are extremely professional and the vehicles are of the highest standard. They will go out of their way to assist you and were there with me when I had a minor accident a few years ago when I was visiting home some time ago. 11/10, 10 gold stars they are the rental company that the others must keep up with.

  • Jenny Bentley

    Jenny Bentley


    I booked from UK with a stand alone insurance policy (rather than taking out their CDW excess), and also asked for a full to full tank policy rather than the empty-empty that the website advertised. In addition I got an international driving permit (cheaper than the island driving permit), and none of this was any problem with Drive a Matic. I got an upgrade as the small jeep I'd booked wasn't available. The car was quite scratched but all this was noted on the hire form. I picked up the car from the airport and everything was absolutely as planned. Ms Mark was the Drive a Matic rep and she was very courteous and helpful. The only issue I had with the car was that it seemed to lack power on the hilly roads, but fuel consumption was very reasonable. I would thoroughly recommend this company. Do your homework first and make sure you are only paying for what you want (as I did), and the company made no fuss at all and agreed to all my requests.

  • Nigel Newby

    Nigel Newby


    I have tried a number of car hire companies on St Lucia and have settled on Drive-A-Matic as being the best that I have used and they are now my 'go to' operator each year. Their staff are professional and friendly and I have had no negative experiences. I have recommended them to friends and always get positive feed back.

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