Dr. Keith Scotland i Bisee

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Bisee, St Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-452-4552
Latitude: 14.0201463, Longitude: -60.9862638
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Kommentar 4

  • Jason McFarlane

    Jason McFarlane


    I will Never forgive the assistant employed by Dr. Scotland. Brought my precious Akita-shepherd mix in for Grooming. Assistant killed my dog with a cocktail of sedatives. Scotland lacked the facilities to restrain the dog, his assistant elected to shoot up my dog with a mix of Ketamine and another tranquilizer. 3 hours into his grooming (horrific job using scissors) Kratos comes to. Assistant gives Another dose of ketamine to further sedate him. He died later that day of an overdose. The assistants explanation was (These things happen) I was offered a replacement dog as compensation and a promise that they would never offer grooming. Scotland is not insured, and he pleaded with me not to sue him for my loss. Assistant is still employed by Scotland. The Animal Hospital in Beausejour Gros Islet is where I take my dogs now 4508862. I still hurt from my loss. Kratos was like a child to me. It's been 2 years since I lost my friend.

  • Lavinia Dunkley-Adjodha

    Lavinia Dunkley-Adjodha


    I must say we Doctor Scotland has been our veterinary doctor for several years and he is a very good doctor.

  • Marc-Philippe Mongis

    Marc-Philippe Mongis


  • huxley popo

    huxley popo


    i must say that Dr. Scotland is the best at what pet care it is worth the happiness of your pet

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