Courts St. Lucia Ltd. i Gros Islet

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Santa Lucía
Kontakter telefon: +1-758
Latitude: 14.0524753, Longitude: -60.9662619
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Kommentar 5

  • Alicia Thompson

    Alicia Thompson


    It ok to shop there but they need to cut back on their price

  • Carter Hyacinth

    Carter Hyacinth


    For all your home funiture, appliances and much more. One stop shopping. Great variety and reasonable prices(most times). There's a small 'Radio Shack' operation there too. Good stuff. They sell popular brands. Whirlpool, Frigidaire, GE, Sony, Pioneer etc

  • Crystals St Lucia

    Crystals St Lucia


    We often purchase appliances for our villa, trying to support local companies. However, when you order and pay for an item then you are informed sorry out of stock, when you only paid for it the day before? When you have a new stove and within a year have to have technicians back again and again, just makes you frustrated. Johnsons is another option of course

  • Gary Devaux

    Gary Devaux


    One of the newest, and most modern appliance stores in St. Lucia! From furniture and appliances to electronics including cell phones, Courts is the place. They also offer hire purchase to ease the squeeze.

  • Nicole SXM

    Nicole SXM


    Fabulous choices. Great service. Cash Loans available.

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