Constitution Park i Castries

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Castries, Santa Lucía
Kontakter telefon: +1-758
Latitude: 14.0100262, Longitude: -60.9899907
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Kommentar 5

  • Eternal River

    Eternal River


    Nice park. Its a good place for tourist and local residents to sit and rest in a an open space. As this park is in the heart of the city it attracts a lot of crowd. I walked through this place, though it was a short one i still liked it... the grasses are well trimmed, its neat n clean everywhere and People of different ages both walking around, sitting n chatting with their aged frnds gave a warm feeling and felt so lively n nice.

  • Kurt Felix

    Kurt Felix


    Free WiFi. Nice open air location. Could use a few amenities

  • joe Cayol

    joe Cayol


    This is a park everyone passes through at some point. Apart from the father of the nation always being there with book in hand it is the heart of the city

  • kurt st hill

    kurt st hill


    This is a nice place to take photos but maybe the government should put stuff like benches so people could chill more it also has a nice statue of one of Saint Lucia's prime ministers you guys will enjoy this scene

  • B Azel Thomas

    B Azel Thomas


    Good place to meet Old folks and retirees during the day.

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