Hotel Bel Jou i Castries

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Castries, Saint Lucia
Kontakter telefon: +1 758-456-1810
Latitude: 14.0142239, Longitude: -60.981821
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Kommentar 5

  • Susan Jubb

    Susan Jubb


    Absolutely lovely - nothing is too much trouble for the staff who want to ensure you enjoy your holiday on this beautiful island. Good food and you can do as much or as little as you like with regard to trips and hotel entertainment.

  • Colin Cummings

    Colin Cummings


    Wonderful experience. Spent two days. Meals were well prepared and the staff was very friendly.

  • Jay Craig

    Jay Craig


    A little gem of a hotel, placed on top of the hill overlooking Castries. The staff are all very friendly and helpful and the rooms are spacious and beautifully decorated. The all inclusive deal means that guests will be tempted to overindulge as the food is good and plentiful and drinks are always available, both alcoholic and soft. Most meals are served in the Veranda Restaurant which is pleasantly shaded and benefits from a cooling breeze. Two swimming pools provide plenty of sun loungers with parasols for shade, or decadent day beds with canopies. Currently the hotel is for adults only, which makes for a relaxing atmosphere, but obviously would not suit families. All in all, I would definitely recommend a visit.

  • Pamela Nelson

    Pamela Nelson


    I love this place...great atmosphere the staff is so welcoming, the food is scrumptious...will definitely be back and will be bringing my friends along




    Stayed at the new and renovated Bel Jou Hotel- All Inclusive adults only from 11/27/2017-12/2/2017. I will begin by telling you that this place is beautiful. I stayed at room 507 with an amazing view to the ocean and Castries. The entire staff at the hotel from the front desk to the cleaning lady are always friendly and smiling. Although I went mostly for business and was gone from the hotel during the day, my early 7am breakfast before I went to my customer’s sites was delicious. The grounds are well kept up. All the new renovations look amazing. This hotel has two pools and are great. Although they just opened back up to the public after completing their hotel renovation it seems like they have most of the hotel under control. I will definitely stay there again but let’s hope that will be for vacation and not business. Want to thank the hotel manager,the executive chef Alvin and the front desk attendant Carlene for always being attentive to all our needs.

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